Monday, November 27, 2006
lying in your
you kiss my forehead.warm.
your arms wrapping me.comfort.
close my
my perfect night..

how about you,guys?what's your perfect nite?
me at 2:47 PM
Monday, November 20, 2006

i have a confession to make
i have a big fat jealousy in mind
a feeling that makes me numb
everytime i see it, i fall apart
and i can't stand it for more

i have a confession to make
i have jealousy with pictures
me at 12:44 PM
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Found this interesting article the other day about relationship. Some people made this research and questionnaires given to the public. Basically it's about what's your relationship based on. Makes me wondering which mine based on.

There are so many different kinds of relationship that might happen when you with someone.Cause basically you could be a different person when you with different guy/girl.

I had relationship once with a guy who loves his car more than anything.Everything he do always has anything to do with his car. Like wake up in the morning, wash his car and clean it up, and he didn't take his own shower until noon. Most of the conversation was about his car and his rally buddies. First, I thought it was okay but when he start forgetting important things such as my birthday, i can't take it anymore. So, I dumped him after had years relationship. We still be friend until now, even I noticed that he's avoiding me for some reason.I think he still has feeling for me, but well, I don't.

Then,once I had relationship with a guy who somehow still have a piece of my heart until now. I give all i have for him. Love, loyalty, sacrifice, understanding, and everything you can name it. But, we fought a lot. Almost everyday, we fought. I remember, one day, we fought badly. I cried the whole night and swore to myself that I'm not going to let him hurt me that way again. But when he came around and took me to the park where we had our first date, my heart was melt. I forgive him. Few hours after that, we started to killed each other in the car. I don't know why, but the night after, we were making out and slept on his arm again. Then he broke my heart when he said no for commitment. I thought he is 'the one' for me, but reality didn't aggree with me.Took me long time to finally says goodbye to him. That pains somehow still there, even time already heal my broken heart.I guess, he's my true love. We still talk and share the stories, but only as a friend now. I can't believe that i really wishing on miracle for the future with him. But, let time answer the question from now on.

I also had relationship with a guy who younger than me once. He was the answer of my pray that time.I wasn't in good shape and condition when he came to my life. He wasn't offering anything except warm heart and wide open arms. With him, I felt so secure and happy. We laughed a lot, shared the day with smile and jokes. For once, I stopped worry about everything. I let life taking me just the way it should be. Even when we fought, half an hour later, I already giggling for the jokes he made to cheer me up. He knew how to handle a fragile heart, like mine. But, we have difference on what we want in the future. Obviously, what i want is totally different with what he want. So, I had to let my dream to burried down. But I never regretting to met him.

Somehow, i believe in destiny. No matter how bad things ever happen to you, there will always a good thing happen afterward. Just never give up. Always believing yourself, that's the most important thing to do.People come and go in your life, some just stay for awhile, some will leave marks that you will never forget it. So, i can say that my relationships mostly based on comfort, secure and laugh. I loves guy who can make me smile and laugh, no matter what happen. Cause only a simple smile will bright your days. Enjoy the life,guys...tomorrow will be another brand new day.
me at 11:08 AM


Surabaya - Jakarta
Born on 80's

I'm just an ordinary girl who loves dreaming and creating my own unique world. Moody,selfish,and easygoing. Not following any rules, just my own.

Slide of Me


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