Monday, February 28, 2005

..speechless with my martini..

i wish i had what it takes
i wish someone would give me a break
why does everything have to be so complicated
if everything would go my way
when the hurt inside would go away
i could not give my life again
but it never seems
seems to end
no it never seems to end
me at 8:51 PM
Wednesday, February 09, 2005 birthday and the days after..

Last week was my birthday. It was great that day. From 12 am to 2 am, I got a lot of sms to wishing me a happy birthday. And the morning, Dunc rang me around 6 am, wishing me great birthday. Little bit sad after that, realise that last year I was celebrated this day with him. Then I had a surprise around 8 am. Someone rang the door and delivered a red rose, from Dunc. You know what, I do not like a flower, any flowers. But, that day, I love the flower. A bit weird, but when you get something from someone special, you'll like it no matter what. Arrived at work, when I enter my office, the two guys from work started singing happy birthday out load. So,of course everybody heard that and came to my office straight away. It was a great day,really. I know, if I can choose, I prefer spend the day with Dunc, but I can't. Anyway, I'm getting older now. Can't wait for the day until I can be with my Dunc again.

After birthday, I got another suprise. I found it really good, cause it's my opportunity to spread my wings and fly away. Still waiting for the next chance, keep my finger cross. Yesterday, after work, I was staying in Tia's house. We have the same birthday so we decided to had a party lastnite. From 13 invitation, down to 7 then finally only 4 turn up. That's okay, the party must go on. It was fun and it's proved that the number people come doesn't guaranty that party will be awful. Only 5 girls, but for sure it was really relaxing after days of work and stress. Dunc rang when I got home from Tia's house. We were laughing and talking like when we were together. I miss cooking together with you,Dunc. Anyway, I better go. Tomorrow still a day off, i have to enjoy it. It's raining again, I better back to my pillow then. Ta..ta
me at 7:15 PM


Surabaya - Jakarta
Born on 80's

I'm just an ordinary girl who loves dreaming and creating my own unique world. Moody,selfish,and easygoing. Not following any rules, just my own.

Slide of Me


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