Monday, January 26, 2004


This is my last week in here, this saturday i will back to Melbourne. I already bought everything I need from last week. I also just had some kinda farewell party last weekend. So, last Saturday nite, all my closest friends was in my place. We just had dinner, gossiping, laughing, smoking and sleeping. Yup..that's all what we did the whole night. Ups..I forgot one thing, we watched vcd too, hahahhaha...naughty one.
I was pretty happy that day. I slept good with my bestfriends around me. Even Rezia was there aswell. It was great.

Duncan called me today. Gee, I miss his voice so much, especially when he's laughing. And he was asking me, am I going to be tired when I arrived on Sunday morning, cause he wanna do something to celebrate my birthday which is on the next day, Monday. I think I'll be okay. And now, I start thinking what we going to do on that day. Are we going to go to some romantic place, or just do something fun at home. I don't know yet, but I'm sure, whatever it is...I'll be happy cause he's there with me. Finally, I can celebrate my birthday with someone I love.

Today, I just stay home, finishing read "ATAP" by Fira Basuki. I love that trilogi novel, eventhough I still hunting for her third novel, "PINTU". So, guys...I'll see you later, when I already arrive on Melbourne. I need to start packing my big suitcase. Bring my favourite clothes, shoes, bags, make-up, and great memories of this holiday. I'm coming
me at 3:54 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2004


Kali ini, aku cuman nambahin judul buat postingan2ku selama ini. Wah, bakal ngabisin waktu lumayan banyak nih, tapi gak pa2 lah, khan lagi libur. Eh, kok blogger ad-nya muncul lagi sih di website aku. Huh, padahal udah diobatin ama 'No-Script' code lho, tapi kali ini gak manjur deh obatnya. Gimana ya, jadi binun. Mana disini gak betah online lama2, abis internetnya lelet banget nih.

Oia, tadi pergi ama Papa seharian. Hihihi, kado ultah bulan depan udah dikasiin sekarang. Dapet hp Samsung baru, keyeenn deh. Emang sih, pas ulang tahun ntar gak disini, soalnya udah balik ke Melbourne. 20 hari lagi bakal bisa ketemuan ama Duncan...woo hoo. Start counting the day,Baby...I'm coming home soon.

Udah mulai nambah2in judul di postingan dulu. Ta..ta
me at 7:04 PM
Friday, January 09, 2004

..the fresh opinion..

Udah mulai sembuh nih, meski batuknya masih mengkilik2 tenggorokan tiap kali kebanyakan ngomong ato ketawa. Kmaren, pergi ama Epha dan Tia. Yaa..cuman kita bertiga yang pengangguran, anak2 laennya udah pada sibuk kerja. Cabut dari rumah jam 11an, trus ketempat Epha. Sebelumnya kita nganterin si Melly, adeknya Epha dulu kerumah temennya, baru deh kita bisa jalan-jalannya. Acaranya, ngerumpi dimobil, brenti makan siang sambil ngerumpi, jalan dan ngerumpi lagi, trus nonton. Oia, kita nonton, "30 Hari Mencari Cinta", asli filmnya lucu banget. Lebih bagus daripada "Eiffel, I'm In Love" yang ABG abis itu. Pulangnya, jemput adeknya Epha dulu baru nganterin mereka balik. Nyampe rumah jam setengah 8an, seneng meski rada capek juga.

My holiday this time, brought me a lot of fresh decision or some kinda strong opinion in my life.
First, I used to love one guy in my past. I thought, he's the best guy who ever came to my life. But, you know what, how time can change everything. I don't love him anymore since I'm with Duncan, but I still thought he's a nice guy. But, when I talked with him about few weeks ago, and I realise that...he's just another liar. So, the case is close. No more him. DONE !!!

Secondly, is about my future. I used to think after finish my Advanced Diploma, I don't wanna study anymore. But, then when I really finished it, I wanna study more. And I'm so glad my parents support my decision. And I can see how difficult to get a nice job in here. So, I hope after finish my Certificate III, I can find job easily.

Third is about my love life. Now, I'm not alone. Duncan, my funny, kind and cute man will always stay beside me. Day by day, we getting closer and closer. We were fight a lot, we were yelled to each other too sometimes, but we laughed and cuddles up everyday. When we were fighting, a cuddles feel so right to fix the problem. I don't know, where life will bring us, but I do love him.

me at 11:31 AM
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
I'm sick now. Damn, it's been two night already I can't sleep because this stupid cough keep tickling my throat. I try to reduce the ciggy, don't wanna make it worst. Last night, I went to Epha birthday's party. I saw my friends with their boyfriend, made me want to meet my man last night. I'll coming back the end of this month, can't wait until the day when I can feel his warm hug again. Just wish the day will past quick, just try to enjoying my holiday.
me at 10:29 AM


Surabaya - Jakarta
Born on 80's

I'm just an ordinary girl who loves dreaming and creating my own unique world. Moody,selfish,and easygoing. Not following any rules, just my own.

Slide of Me


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