Thursday, July 29, 2004 |
I'm back to Surabaya now, finally. My trip back home was pretty boring, nothing interesting and exciting things happen at all. I miss my Dunc already when still on the plane. Yup...I'm still on my mellow mood at the moment. No plan or anything I can think of in my head. Just try to force my brain to adapt with the culture again.
I met my two bestfriends already, and it was fun. Miss them so much. Today...I'm not going anywhere. Just stay home and let's see how long I can stand with it. My niece and nephew are so cute, especially my niece. She is so girlie and make me laugh all the time. It's like I seen my own face on her face, so know..hehehehe. Hmmm...shit, I bored already here. I have to find a job as soon as possible, so I can get my freedom again. Anyway, at least I don't have to take any public transport here. My lovely car will take me wherever I wanna go, so this is a good thing. It's also so hot here, can't live without the air conditioner. The internet is so slow aswell which really pissed me off. Just wanna open my hotmail but I have to wait around half an hour just to open the beginning of it. Damn, nothing change much here. It's been 3 days in here and I already complain about everything...oh well, hope i can get used to it soon.
I miss my Dunc. I miss his house, his room, his car, his cat, everything about him. I miss to hear the train noise from my room, I miss Chadstone, I miss the pub and club, and I miss everything in Melbourne, already. Can't you believe that? I miss my messy room. One thing, I can't smoke in my house or my parent will hang my head. I have to really carefull with it, I'm serious. Oh...I wanna back to Melbourne..hiks. One thing,Guys... have you ever miss someone until you can't say no more to describe the feeling? I do now..
me at 9:41 AM
Monday, July 19, 2004 |
start counting the day,babyThe last week, I had really great time. I went to Sydney and Gold Coast last week and it was fantastic. The first two days in Sydney I didn't go anywhere, just the computer conference that I attended with Dunc and his friend. The third day, we finally had a little bit city tour. I love Sydney. It's remind me a lot about London. The train, the river, the house, everything is like in London. We went to Mainly, crossing the river by ferry, to visited Dunc's cousin. Then dinner at Chinatown and had ride around the city by monorail. It was great!! At 9 pm, we hitted the Airport to catched the flight to Gold Coast.
We stayed in apartment in Surfers Paradise, which is walking 5 minutes to the beach. First day, just walking around the area,had nice lunch, walking on the beach then back to apartment and relaxing in the spa. Second day we went to Sea World by bus. We seen a lot of fish there..hehehehe,yeah of course. The last day, was the ride day in MovieWorld. was really fun. I though Dunc doesn't really like go on ride, but he was suprised me because he was really excited about it. We took some pictures there but it turned out not really good. Oh well, doesn't matter. I will remember it in my head. Then 9 pm we had to back to airport to flew back to Melbourne. It was great holiday...really!!
And last saturday was my farewell nite. I invited my friends from the old school and the new one. Peoples turned up not as much as I thought, but it was still a great nite. Mostly my friends from the new school were there. I was there from 8 pm and finally back home at 3.30 am.. :) Dunc was sick that day, so he couldn't stay the whole nite. Poor baby

Yup,that's the pictures from the nite. We were talking, drinking,dancing and laughing the whole nite. And I realise that when I was in the same class with those people, we weren't talking that much. We more busy with our own stuff. Especially on Monday class, so many things that we had to do on our own computer, so yeah..pretty bad,actually. So that nite, we kinda catched up. It was great, I feel suprised that they are so nice with me. I mean, not just nice..nice, but really care and supporting.
A week from today, I will go,for sure. Feel sad, really. Hmmm, but yeah...there's no way to run, I guess. I almost finish with my packing, finally. Ah...don't know how to describe my feeling about it now. I think, it's more complicated when you feel like you already at home but still you have to leave. Enough for tonite...see you around,Guys.
me at 12:20 PM
Tuesday, July 06, 2004 |
...days flies like a wind...
My days has been so different lately. No assignment, so I stayed home most at the time. Went out sometimes, if I need to. But, time, I just stayed home, do my packing and a bit of clean up my room. I spent the time more with Duncan, enjoying our limited time being together. Last weekend was good. Saturday, we went to cinema watching "Spiderman 2" and had dinner. Sunday, we were rowing the boat. It was supposed to be romantic, but turned up pretty funny, cause I'm too stupid doing my rowing. Hahhaha...the boat can't went straight, cause I don't know how to row :P
Anyway, it was great. Then we went to IMAX, to watch 3D movie. was fantastic. Went to Melbourne Museum too, just for half an hour...for free...hehehhe. I won't forget that day :)
Now, back to my packing. Gee, I hate packing. It's take very slowly, because I don't wanna do it rushly. I hate it but I have to. Few boxs to go, then I can send it home. Can't believe still, another 3 weeks to stay here. I wish...
Today we doing the booking thing. Yeah,I wanna go to Sydney and Queensland before I back home. So, we done the ticket and hotel booked. I'm excited to go, but after that, I don't wanna think about it. Hmmm...I wanna do my farewell party aswell. Hope it will be happen on the 20th, or maybe earlier than that. Let's see...
Just it for today, nothing much to tell. |
me at 5:52 PM
Sunday, July 04, 2004 |
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where..
so I love you because I know no other way
me at 7:42 PM
Thursday, July 01, 2004 |
...that night...
Last nite, a year ago...a guy asked me to meet up somewhere. I known this guy about a months by internet. We chat sometime, he rang me once and we swop the pictures already. He wants to meet me right away, but that time, I was busy with my assignments and also I'm not ready to meet a stranger from the net. Anyway, that nite..we finally met. He picked me up with his mum's car..hehehhe, then we drove to the park near my place. We talked and laughed the whole nite. He's sweet,funny but also pretty straightforward guy. My first impression of him was he really made me feel comfortable around him. The way he look at me is different. And I love when he makes me laugh. That nite..there's a love fallin from the sky.
And a year passed by so quick. Last nite..I still with him. Nothing change much, he's still makes me laugh and of course, I still love being around him. Our relationship has been up and down like a hill, but that love still there, not move any single inches from its place. I'm happy with him, hope he's happy with me too. It's funny, because I never imagine will be this happy with a stranger from the net. I guess, you never know where's your happiness comes from.
me at 7:05 AM