I really don't understand with all that happenned lately. Shits happen again and again. Everyday I woke up with so many things hanging in my head, then at nite...I went to bed with all the same shits on my head. People. I don't understand with people all around me. Why they are expecting too much from me. Like I have so many things to share and give to them. Look...I don't have much, so i can't make all of you happy at the same time. Some people I knew are so f**cking dickhead. They seems so nice in front of me, but at my back, don't ask me what they say and think about me. I prefer to face them directly. Say thing in front of me, don't be nice to me, and don't try to judge me without even knowing me. I can't defence myself, cause it wasn't happen in front of my eyes. So, I have to sneak out, try to find a source that can tell me what happen. Gee, I hate that kind of people. But, once again, I have to accepted what they said, and tried to figure out how to handle it. It's not easy, it's so depressing.

Today was okay, not in a top condition but also not that bad. So, it was just okay. I learned a lot lately. That I'm not the only who live in this planet. Yeah, I know I have to change the way I see things. Am I too easygoing with everything? And the answer is YES. So..well, what can I say? Nothing except change it. The only thing that I'm happy with is my love life. It's not easy, but it's good to know that at least someone out there is respecting and loving me just the way I am. I don't have to pretend to be someone else to taste the happiness. It's getting late, I'm tired and sleepy. Just had a nice conversation with Dunc and Shita. So, it will be enough for today. Sorry, I don't have a good and excited story to tell. Cause my life just not in a good excitement. Nice black sky and bright moon out there. Great view for a ciggy time. Ok then, so I guess, I'll see you around then. Sweet dream..everybody.