Wednesday, March 31, 2004 |

you are so special to me, so keep my heart with you please don't break it, it's the only one I got |
me at 5:53 PM
Sunday, March 28, 2004 |
| tired..I've been so busy lately. Got too many assignments that I have to hand in this week. And my weekend was so different, cause I didn't spent it with Duncan at all. He was busy with his things and I have to finish my own things as well.
Today, I was doing my Digital Video's assignment. I have to make video about food. So, with two of other people in my group, we shoot in my place. It was so funny, and fun aswell. Bought the pizza and have few beer for the project. Fajar helped me a bit with the shoot, but basically we did it by ourselves.
Hey, Pearl Habour is on tonite. I'll watch it with Duncan, we loves war movie too much, I guess. Gotta things to do now, see you around... |
me at 3:54 PM
Thursday, March 25, 2004 |
..question.. I think I just don't understand what's the big deal of saying a single question from my mind to the conversation. I also don't understand why when I asked a question, it will lead to another fight. Maybe sometime it's better to hold a question to be ask than having another argument. it a big deal to asking a question if you really need an answer?
There are people who always upset when we asked a question to them. The theory says they behave like that because they want to covering their own ass (..if you know what I mean). Because when they upset, we will be afraid to ask more or forgeting about the whole question. But, yeah..come on, are you not going to be more curious if that person always or more likely to be upset when you ask a question. Is there anything that been hide from our back, or that person really have a problem with answering a question.
I don't have any point of this post, I just really don't understand. Is just a question, can you just answer it, and it will over. Don't know, too much things been hanging around in my mind lately. I'm so worry with my sister's future now, so I guess I better stick with those thing at the moment. And I really try to control my emotion lately, try so hard to be more a better listener and understanding person. Try to not force the fact too much. Or either way, I just wanna be more calm and be happy with what I have now. I guess, if you expect'll be happy with what you are. So, today's lesson is "No more begging for happiness. If I can't have it now, so it's not meant to be happen". |
me at 1:46 PM
Thursday, March 18, 2004 |
my dearest big boy...
love isn't just kissing and holding hands and thinking you are in it
but love is when you can look in someone's eyes forever and never get tired of them
love is whenever you hear their voice or see them, you get chills up your spine
love is when they are all you think about and when you try not to, you're sad
love is actually something that can't be defined, everyone has a different opinion about it...
but this is mine...
i never feel this way before, but now i do
and i'm so scare to face the future without you |
me at 3:24 PM
Wednesday, March 17, 2004 |
…just a thought…I was wondering, what happen if one day I have to live alone. No family, no friend and no love. How it’s going to be if everything I do or say, that will not affecting anything and anybody. Totally alone. Sounds really scary, but that may happen. When you love someone, is it matter whether you are from the same culture or not. Is it a big deal if there are difference between you two? I don’t know. For me, we all the same. No matter where you come from or what you do. It’s about sharing and caring, not just giving and taking. But, when time coming and we really have to decide, it’s all back to your own feeling and personality.
Ok, stop talking about scary things. I just don’t understand why some people think that differences always mean a bad thing. For me, different is beautiful, as long as I’m happy and enjoy that difference.
I remember, my first day in here, Melbourne. I feel nothing except the excitement that I will have in this new place. I doesn’t know anybody here, and all I know was I’m here because I screw up a lot when I was in England, so that why I came here to fix my life. It wasn’t easy but still not as hard as I thought before. Time flies and I still try to survive. Different love stories come and go, different name stayed and left a mark in my poor little heart. My heart broke badly because one name and I blame myself. I thought I’m not going to have serious relationship while here, cause I know I’m not going to stay here forever. But, everything was change since the day I met Duncan. That night when we met, I felt so different. Suddenly, I can forget every single pain that I ever had in my life. It’s like I became a new person. And my life is never been the same since then. We fight a lot, but we shared so many things together. But, now...the difference start crawling back to me. I really don’t know what to do now. I just wish, the differences never keep two hearts apart.
thank you for loving and caring me for all these times.really wish we can be together forever,Big Boy. |
me at 12:37 PM
Monday, March 15, 2004 |
Yesterday is Duncan's birthday. We had dinner lastnite in Greek resto with his family and close friends. I felt bad because I was upset with him a nite before his birthday, just because I'm too jealous with part of his past. But,'s allrite now. Still, I felt bad, not just because I kinda ruined his special day, but also because this feeling is getting stronger than before.
I think too much lately. I'm so tired everytime back home and found out how messy my room was. Anyway, I just trying to help, and if its knock me back with trouble...what can I say, really. |
me at 11:10 AM
Saturday, March 13, 2004 |
When you love someone, you take the good with the bad
When you need someone, you trust them with all you've ever had
When you want someone, you give them everything
When you trust someone, you give them anything
But, what do you do when they leave?
**I'm so tired of being myself** |
me at 9:18 AM
Tuesday, March 09, 2004 |
Suddenly something has happened to me
As I was having my cup of tea
Suddenly I was feeling depressed
I was utterly and totally stressed
Do you know you made me cry
Do you know you made me die
And the thing that gets to me
Is you'll never really see
And the thing that freaks me out
Is I'll always be in doubt
It is a lovely thing that we have
It is a lovely thing that we
It is a lovely thing, the animal
The animal instinct
So take my hands and come with me
We will change reality
So take my hands and we will pray
They won't take you away
They will never make me cry, no
They will never make me die
And the thing that gets to me
Is you'll never really see
And the thing that freaks me out
Is I'll always be in doubt
Animal Instinct by Cranberries
i want my animal instinct back!! |
me at 7:08 AM
Monday, March 08, 2004 |
ANOTHER NEW LAYOUTDamn!! I was so sick of my last template for this blog. It's work sometime, but doesn't work MOST OF THE TIME!! Finally, I get this one. It's simple and hope will work allright. Not finish yet, still have to fix for the image and others, but enough for today.
I'm tired, so tired with everything that happen in my life. Some are good, and some are bad...really bad. There's always one question that haunt me all the time, am I too nice to people?Oh well,I guest I haveto try to move on, do what I have to do, and take it easy. And one thing, no more big plan for the future,especially for love. I believe, love will work when it meant to be. Take care...
I decided to not put the shoutbox, at least for a while. So, please leave your shout in the commentbox under each posts. |
me at 5:58 PM