Thursday, February 26, 2004
What was I waiting for
Waiting for the bubble to burst
Over your stagnant pauses

Can’t cure what your devil don’t see
Or light a fire below the death of me
We’ve shot through all over our causes

Days spin through my heart
That sever the love
Kill all the pain with shame

I won’t be lost without you
I’ve found a way to get through
Now I’m up and running
Strong enough to walk away
And leave you all alone
I won’t be lost

What were you waiting for
Waiting for the straw to break
Over the back of desperate ways

You were a dream to me
Now you’re nothing but a heart
that bleeds
I’ll wash you off and carry on
----Lost by Skin----

me at 1:22 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2004


Woo hoo, finally I change my template. Not much different..I know, I don't have much time to do it. So, at least I don't have ichy eyes everytime open my blog anymore.
me at 1:05 PM
Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Just Another Day

Duh,pagi2 tadi pas nyampe kampus, iseng2 buka blog. Langsung kaget, dapet tegoran dari yg empunya gambar di entry-ku kmaren. Yaelah...galak amat tuh orang. Mana gak dikasi tau lagi gambar mana yg aku ambil dari dia, jadinya mesti cek satu2 di website company-nya. Ok, pelajaran bagus buat hari ini adalah, "ATI2 KLO MO NYOLONG"..hehehe.

Gak nyadar udah 3 mingguan aku kuliah. Assignment mulai berdatangan, moga2 semua bisa aku selesain dengan baek deh...amien. Ini masih dikampus, padahal kelas udah kelar 2 jaman yg lalu. Pertama, nungguin Duncan, kedua sendal asoy geboy aku nyaris putus talinya. Ya udah, daripada dipaksain jalan sampe rumah dan tau2 putus dijalan, akhirnya nyuruh Duncan buat beliin sendal jepit dulu. Sekarang lagi nungguin dia beli sendal jepit, aku sih nyantei2 di lab computer.

Sementara belum ada entry2 menarik yang mo aku tulis disini. Biasa...lagi garing ide dan mood. Capek kuliah, jadi sampe rumah udah enek liat komputer. Minggu ini mesti extend visa deh, bulan depan udah abis soalnya. Duh,moga2 lancar2 aja semuanya, rada nervous nih ama medical check-upnya. Soalnya mantan temen serumahku kmaren mesti pulang diluar schedule soalnya medical check-upnya jelek. Ya..positive thinking aja kali ya, biar gak kepikiran mulu.

PS: Aku kangen ama ponakan2ku di Surabaya, Gilang dan Billa. Kangen denger suaranya Billa yg manggil2,"Aya" ke aku. Ato nggodain Gilang. Hmmm...klo yg laennya sih biasa aja. Paling kangen ngerumpi ama mbak Ly, ato ama geng gosipku. Ya udah deh, gotta go now. Daag..
me at 2:00 PM
Friday, February 20, 2004


Lama gak ngeblog ya, abisnya sibuk kuliah sih. Kuliahku emang gak setiap hari, tapi full-day mulu. Jadi klo udah nyampe rumah,pasti yg capek dan males buka2 komputer lagi. Anyway, HAPPY VALENTINE FOR ALL OF YOU,GUYS
Sorry,udah basi banget tapi khan tadi aku udah bilang klo hari2ku lagi padet ama kuliah dan segala permasalahannya. Ok,let me told you about my last weekend, my first valentine day..hhehehe.

On Friday nite, I got terrible pains on my heart cause I found out that my man would be moves to London next month. After school, I back home to took shower and then went to my ex-houseparent house for Andi and Kati's farewell party. Nothing special,really, just BBQ like usual. Then Duncan picked me up at 10 o'clock. My mellow mood started working and like I said, I've been so sad the whole Friday nite. Saturday morning, on Valentine day...I woke up early cause I got horrible stomachache. I've been in toilet for hundread time for pee...pee....and pee again. Finally, Duncan dragged me to the doctor in the afternoon. I took the antibiotic medicine and it was helps to kick the pain away from my stomache. About 9.30 pm, we went to Duncan's beach house. I tried so hard to hold my pee on the way there. We stopped in McD then, cause I NEED TO PEE!! On Sunday morning, I felt much much better. No more hundread pee and terrible pain. So, I can smile again...finally. Duncan went fishing with his mate, and I stayed in the house....smoking, eating and watching telly. We decided to took a ferry trip on the way back to Melbourne. Gee, it was so romantic. The view and weather made it so unbelievable. Yee...I'm so happy that time. So, gift or card for Valentine, it's not a big deal for me. But, the most important is, we spent the time together that day...that's priceless.

Ok,I'm in class now. I already done this stupid subject when I did my advance diploma, so I can skip the subject. But still, I have to come to the class for the attendance, but no test and assignment. I am, in the corner of my class, surfing in the internet. It's Friday, Guys. Last day of the week, so hope all of you have a great weekend.
me at 5:20 AM
Thursday, February 12, 2004

layout error!!

Duh,templateku knapa ya, kok jadi ilang gini. Dari tadi udah nyoba nyari source baru buat bikin template, cuman belum nemu yang bagus nih. Ada yang mo bikin aku template gak? Please..anybody?

Anyway, lagi kangen ama Epha..temen sehidup sematiku. Lagi ngapain kamu,Pha?

Life is getting complicated, don't let it ruined our relationship,ok
me at 1:13 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2004

the day of today

Hari ini, gak kuliah. Badan rasanya capek banget,gak tau knapa..mana semalem baru bisa bobo jam 3an. Walhasil, tadi pagi nerusin bobo aja dan bolos kuliah. Siangan dikit, ke Box kampus lama mo ngurus nilai. Ada yg salah dinilainya, makanya tadi mesti kesana. Lumayan lama nungguin Collin, course coordinatorku, tapi asik aja soalnya sambil reuni liat kampus lama. Gak ada yang berubah,masih penuh kenangan seperti dulu. Tempat aku mati2an peras otak. Sempet ke park deket kampus, jadi inget dulu pernah piknik kecil2an ama anak2 sekelas pas break. Jadi kangen ama anak2 kelas kayak Dani,Clint,Brad,Tom,Dana,Sarah,Dayle, dan laen2nya.

Abis urusan kelar, baru ke bank dan ke kantor pos buat bayar bill. problem dateng lagi deh klo abis bayar bill kek gitu. Gila, bill yg mesti dibayar banyak banget. Tapi ya udah...gak ada yang gratis khan didunia ini. Oia, Valentine Day udah deket ya,weekend ini. Hmmm...bakal ngapain ya pas hari itu. Moga2 Duncan gak sakit, jadi kita bisa have fun bareng hari itu.

Besok mo ke Box Hill lagi, mo kerumah ex houseparentku yg dulu. ngobrol2,khan udah lama gak ketemu. Besok gak ada kelas, Kamis juga gak ada....asik!! Senin mesti ngumpulin assignment nih, baru juga sehari kuliah udah langsung dapet assignment. Gak berat sih, tapi mesti serius ngerjainnya. Kampus yang baru lebih ketat absennya dari kampus yang lama. Jadi, feby yang males harus jadi feby yang rajin mulai sekarang. Kayaknya cuman itu aja kegiatanku seharian ini. Paling ntar maleman jalan ama Duncan, mumpung besok gak mesti bangun pagi. Udah ah...
me at 2:48 PM
Sunday, February 08, 2004

..sunday note..

Hmmm...weekend is over. Tomorrow is monday again, and I hate Monday. Tomorrow is my first day to school. I only go to school 3 days a week, but it's full day from 9 to 5. Hope it's going to be an interesting course.

Anyway, last Saturday nite, I went to Marcelle's bday party. It was great, although I bit jealous when Duncan talked to some girls in the party. Silly me..hehehhe. Duncan looked so cute aswell that nite. He was wearing jeans, white t-shirt and black jacket. He was like James Dean. James Dean :)
Everybody rock up with 80s fashion, it was so funny.

Today, I did nothing basically. Just bought birthday present for Paris, Andrew's daughter, then back to Duncan's house and watch war movie that we just got. Now, I'm already in my room, ready to jump to my bed. Better go to sleep now, have to wake up early tomorrow. Nite..nite
me at 6:39 PM
Saturday, February 07, 2004

..back 2 school..

Hari Jumat kmaren, aku ke kampus yang baru buat orientation new student. Aturan mesti disana jam 11, hehehe...aku dateng telat, abis kesiangan bangunnya. Maklum,masih kebawa suasana liburan kmaren. Dikasi student card, schedule ama student handbook. Abis getu...keliling kampus buat liat2 fasilitas yang minim itu. Tapi kayaknya sih seru juga kuliahnya, temen2nya juga anak international semua. Ada satu anak Indo dikelasku, cewek...jadi lumayanlah buat temen bareng.

Ntar malem, mo ke birthday partynya Marcelle, adeknya Duncan. Kayaknya sih bakal seru, soalnya tema partynya taun 80an, jadi mesti dressed up ala taun itu. Sempet pusing juga mikirin kostum, soalnya aku gak tau banyak fashion taun itu,khan masih kecil waktu itu. Akhirnya setelah searching2 di internet, dapet ide juga. Yg bikin bt, rambut mesti keriting, gak boleh pake straightening iron. Naa..aku khan gak bisa idup tanpa benda yg satu itu, mana bisa pd ntar. Tapi ya sudahlah, namanya juga pesta..harus siap gila2an. Kamis kmaren, akhirnya dapet juga kostum buat ntar malem, lengkap pake beli rol rambut buat ngeriting rambut ntar. Hahahha...duh,kek apa ntar mukaku. Cuek ah...cuek!!
Have a nice weekend, everybody

me at 9:06 AM
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
When somebody loves me, everything is beautiful
Every hour we spent together lives within my heart
And when he was sad, I was there to dry his tears
And when he was happy, so was I
And when he was lonely, I was there to comfort him
And I knew that he loves me


me at 9:22 AM
Monday, February 02, 2004

Today is my birthday. It's also Tia's birthday,actually. She's my bestfriend and like my own sister. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TIA. I wish this year will be a better year for both of us. Miss you My beloved Duncan cooked me lunch and he gave me a lovely gift that I will always wear it my arm. I got a lot of sms from all of my friends and family, so happy to have them in my life.

Today, I turn 24. I hope this year will be a great time for me. Finish my course, find a job, and get everything I want. I was stay up until 12 am on Sunday night, tried to remembering everything on my past and life. I was pray that I can be a better woman after this. I'm not going to expect anything that impossible to be happen this year, I just want everything will be much much better for me. For life, education, and love... hope everything will be okay. Amien.
me at 6:16 PM
Sunday, February 01, 2004


In this another great day of Islam, finally I'm coming back to Melbourne. Arrived about 9 am, got through the imigration without any problem ( I was a bit worry about the bird flu issues) and my great man,Duncan already picked me up in the airport with his big smile. So happy to see him again. I'm a bit tired cause I didn't sleep enough on the plane. So we went back to my home straight away and throw all my tiredness on my bed. After took a long bath, I talked a lot with Fajar, my housmate on the kitchen while waiting for Duncan from his crash out,hehehhe.

I had a great time today. I need a rest now, so tired. Bye...
me at 3:10 PM


Surabaya - Jakarta
Born on 80's

I'm just an ordinary girl who loves dreaming and creating my own unique world. Moody,selfish,and easygoing. Not following any rules, just my own.

Slide of Me


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