Friday, August 27, 2004
i still breathe
i still eat
and the sun it shines
the same as it did yesterday
but there's no warmth
no lightI feel empty inside

last month was the hardest day of my life..
me at 11:11 AM
Thursday, August 19, 2004


Gak berasa udah ampir sebulan aku di Surabaya. Masih suka mikirin Melbourne dan seisinya, masih kangen ama Dunc, masih kangen kamarku disana, masih ngiler pengen makan Beef and Brisket Noddle ama Japanesse food, masih inget suasana kelas plus ama anak2nya, masih apa lagi ya...hmmm, dan udah pasti masih pengen balik ke sana, suatu hari nanti. Kek-nya masa2 mellowku harus segera diakhiri, soalnya ya selaen bikin BT, gak ada ujungnya, juga takutnya bisa bikin gila. Duh,amit2 aja deh.

Makanya kegiatan hunting kerjaan semakin digalakkan neh. Udah kirim2 lamaran banyak banget, dan sampe saat ini baru satu yang dapet panggilan interview. I guess, it's better than nothing. Yup, aku dapet panggilan interview di EF, tepatnya jadi Education Consultant. Yaa...siap2 aja deh bibir jadi item klo lagi merayu orang2 biar pada ngambil program di EF. Tapi gak pa2...daripada bengong dirumah, mending kerja gituan...khan asik juga liat guru2nya EF yang nyem...nyem...nyem..itu,hehehehe. Makanya, doain ya..biar ketrima kerja disana.

Soal mellow yg kmaren2 itu benernya cuman satu kok penyebabnya, yaitu rindu. Doh, rindu bisa segitu nyebelinnya ternyata. Tapi ya udahlah, life must go on. Belum tentu orang2 yang dikangenin itu ngerasain yang kek aku rasain disini. Jadi...ya sudah...dibiarin aja.
Oia,kmaren aku ke RS soalnya ada salah satu sahabatku yang lagi opname disana. Udah ampir semingguan ini, dan aku yang cukup prihatin ama keadaannya. Hari ini sih dirumah aja. Bangun tidur, lumayan bisa smoking dirumah(mumpung bonyok lagi gak ada) trus mandi dan ngopi. Abis getu nyalain internet ampe sekarang, dan ntar malem mo nonton ama Mbak Ly. Sounds really boring,huh? Knapa ya, disaat pengen ngumpul2 kek gini, semua orang lagi pada sibuk ama kerjaan masing2. Cuman aku yg pengangguran. Bahkan Dunc pun menolak diajakin chatting soalnya sibuk ama kerjaan. Kasian deh...

Ya sudah, aku mo nerusin baca 'Menunggu Matahari Melbourne' karangannya Remy Sylado yang gak seberapa bagus tapi tetep aja dibaca. Kerjaan aku ya hunting novel2 baru aja. Untuk perkembangan selanjutnya, ntar ntar aja ya ceritanya. Siang panas2 gini enaknya tiduran sambil baca novel dan ngopi. Have a hot day, Guys.
me at 1:08 PM
Thursday, August 12, 2004
I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
Cause I’m broken when I’m open
And I don’t feel like I am strong enough
Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away
me at 7:48 PM
Sunday, August 08, 2004


How many of you who celebrate the special day with your special person in your life? The day when you two first time met or first time when decided to be a couple. The day that we called 'Anniversary'. Is it really important to celebrate that day? Is it really a big deal? For some people, celebrate the anniversary once a year is enough, but for some people celebrate it every months is important. It's more about yourself and how you appreciate that special day of your life. Couple days ago was my a year and a month anniversary. I never celebrate my anniversary 'every month' before, but since with Dunc, I kinda like it. We didn't do anything special on monthly anniversary, we more like be nice to each other. I love it when he said, " Happy Anniversary,Baby". But this time, we're not going to celebrate it together anymore, until uncertain period of time. The distance makes us separate for a while, until...once more again...I don't know exactly until when. But anyway...I'm going to celebrate it, even only by my own .

For me, it's more about remembering the day than celebrating itself. It's like a ruler when I can measure how good and long I've been with him. Sounds too much,huh...yeah, i know. But the thing is, we have to appreciate it because if not, nobody will. Like how quick things will change when we don't realise it. One day, there's will an answer for all the questions. Questions such as, "Who I will marry too?", "When I will meet my soulmate?", "How I make everything better for myself?" and all the others confusing and boring questions. And when the time is up for me and I'll get the answer for all of my questions, I want to remember that everything happen with its reasons. Good or bad, it's depend how you accepting it.

So many question marks that staying in my head at the moment, but I'm not going to waste my time with write all of them in here. Believe me, it's so depressing. So back to the first point, how important an anniversary for a relationship?

Is it important or just part of the bullshit on your life...

me at 8:40 PM
Thursday, August 05, 2004
one smile
one chat
one laugh
one hug
one kiss
one cuddle
it's only one but i why can't have it now
me at 6:58 PM


Surabaya - Jakarta
Born on 80's

I'm just an ordinary girl who loves dreaming and creating my own unique world. Moody,selfish,and easygoing. Not following any rules, just my own.

Slide of Me


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